Today, the modern feline pet is a lazy and spoiled furball we all love to pet and snuggle with (even if they don’t want to). But we all know that cats are very good hunters, especially for the most unwanted pests in people’s homes – rats and mice.
But do cats keep mice and rats away effectively, and can we count on our fluffy, purring companion to help in the fight against unwelcome guests?
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The Origin of Cats Keeping Mice and Rats Away
Historically, cats domesticated themselves about 8000 years ago, at the dawn of human civilization. In Ancient Egypt, they were worshipped as gods, and with good reasons.
Human civilization appeared because our ancestors started growing crops. And, if there are crops, there are also barns to keep the crops in. These barns were the perfect place for mice and rats to invade. And a rodent invasion of the only food source of an entire city or village could mean a whole year of famine.
Luckily, the wild cats learned where the populations of mice and rats like to gather and made the crop fields and barns their hunting space. When the people saw how the wild cats got rid of their enemies, they started to accommodate the predators and eventually started worshipping them.
This way, people didn’t starve to death, and the wild cats received food and accommodation. Over the years, they evolved into the small domestic cats we have today.
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Can Today’s Cats Keep Mice and Rats Away?
Unfortunately, today not all cats can do this job. Since we started breeding them selectively, there are cats that have never hunted rodents for generations. And in the meantime, rats and mice have been evolving to survive in the wild with tons of other predators. They can learn fast, and it takes them a very short time to realize that the cat in question will not attack them.
Even if a cat isn’t actively hunting, its very presence can dissuade rodents. The smell of a cat, including its fur, litter box, and even traces of saliva, might cause mice and rats to avoid your home since they link these odours with predators.
Still, there are also lots of cats that still have their hunting instincts intact. These are mostly street cats and other cats that, for any reason, have been born in the wild and had to learn to get their food by themselves. This is the type of cat you need in your home.
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How to Put a Cat to Good Use To Keep Mice and Rats Away
If you don’t have a cat and you’re thinking of borrowing one to get rid of mice, make sure the cat won’t shy away from rodents or lounge around watching them. Here’s what to look for in a cat that’s effective at mouse control.
- A cat from a working cats program. A working cats program gathers stray and feral cats to hunt pests. Phone your local shelter or humane society and ask if there is a program like this in your local area. If there is, you have a solution to your rodent problem.
- A stray cat. Stray cats are most likely to be mousers since they were born on the street and had to survive on their own. If you can find a friendly street cat, this is your best option. You can also look for such in your local shelter. If you happen to find a pregnant stray cat, you can care for the kittens and let the mother raise them as hunters as well. This way, you have a long-term solution. Of course, don’t forget to neuter and spay them all in order to control their population.
- A feral cat that shows signs of taming. Street cats are good and all, but in some cities, there are lots of feral cats roaming the streets. These are cats that never had any contact with humans (or only had bad contact), so they would never get close to you. Still, there are ways you can tame a feral cat, and if it’s possible for you, they may prove even more useful than the normal domestic street cats.
- A hunting breed cat. Some cat breeds are better at hunting pests than others. These examples include Main coon, Siberian, Siamese, Burmese, Manx, Turkish angora, Japanese bobtail, among many others. However, learn more about the personality of the specific cat before adopting it.
- A barn cat. Barn cats are ideal for this since they are used to living outdoors, and they get a thrill from hunting. They can be put to good use around your home, however, if they get used to living outside, you will have to put their food around the yard as well. And cat food might attract more wildlife, such as raccoons and squirrels.
Will Cats Keep Mice and Rats Away?
Because of their innate hunting instincts, cats are excellent at keeping mice away. However, one cat might not be sufficient if there is a significant rodent problem in your house. Even the most experienced feline hunter cannot handle the problem of mice and rats since they can proliferate so rapidly.
For severe infestations, professional pest control is the best option. However, keeping a cat around can be an excellent strategy to deter rodents from ever entering your home.
Over to you – do you believe cats are effective in pest control? What’s your experience? We’d love to hear you out in the comments below.
Picture source: Impact Photography / shutterstock.com
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