Pest Control in Bradford

  • Emergency treatment in your area
  • Effective but safe treatments
  • Services tailored to your needs
  • Done by local certified pest technicians

Fantastic Pest Control Bradford will S.T.O.P. the pest problems today!

On the initial visit, the pest control technician will carefully look into the problem you have. Establishing the pest you are dealing with and any potential reasons, why your property is infested.
Once the pest control technician determines the pest you are dealing with and has a plan of action, it is time for the treatment to take place. Using professional equipment, baits and solutions the controller will leave your home pest-free.
When you purchase the guaranteed pest control service, you get two extra visits free of charge within 3 months of the initial treatment. If applicable, your property will be re-treated for any unresolved pest issues.
After the inspection and treatment, the local specialist will provide you with an analysis of the service. He will also give you valuable tips on how to keep your property pest-free by suggesting different preventive measures that you can take on your own.

The range of pest control services at a glance

  • Insect treatments

    The procedure is done using powerful insecticides that have a long-lasting residual effect. All products used are by an industry-leading supplier and are completely safe to use around households. For most insect species, multiple visits may be required in order to eliminate the entire colony and minimise the chance of reinfestation, so make sure you book our guaranteed treatments.

    You can also choose a steam treatment or heat treatment for insect infestations.

  • Rodent eradication

    For our mice and rat control treatments, we start off with a detailed inspection in order to determine and seal their entryways. This will isolate them and will allow the local exterminator to use a baiting technique to tackle the infestation itself. Eradication happens in two or more visits and your pest technician can also, upon request, arrive to pick up any rodent carcasses left after the treatment.

    Read about your dead animal removal options.

  • Bird removal

    Our pigeon control procedures are focused on deterring the pest away from your property. In order to achieve this, the pest controller will use industry-grade repellents and instruments that prevent pigeons, seagulls, sparrows and other flying intruders from settling on the roof of your building.

    Check out more details about our bird control and proofing service.

  • For businesses

    Our integrated pest management for commercial and public buildings includes a variety of control and prevention measures. Of course, all treatments are available and businesses can fully rely on the quality of our rodent control, cockroach extermination, fly removal and more. Additionally, services like disinfection are highly recommended in order to restore the hygienic conditions on the premises. 

    Read more about our commercial pest control service.

Considering booking from the local council?

Fantastic Pest Control Brand Image

Bradford City Council

We offer variety of pest treatments in the area

Doesn’t offer pest control at all

We cover Bradford and other nearby areas

If your household is not exactly located in Bradford, worry not as Fantastic Pest Control also services in the areas nearby. We can dispatch a local pest technician in a matter of hours and get rid you of the pests that have been bothering you. Additionally, the expert can arrive in an unbranded vehicle to avoid drawing attention and execute his work discreetly. You can benefit from professional pest treatment in :

    Other locations we cover nearby Bradford

    Royal society for public health
    Prompt Verified
    Environment Agency

    Ready to book now?