How to Get Rid of a Wasp’s Nest

Colonies of hornet wasps are at their peak in the late summer and their nests can contain as many as 700 members. But wasp nests are bigger and their inhabitants can reach 10,000.

So, it’s a good plan to keep any of those nests away from your home. You can’t completely prevent wasps from forming a nest, however, you can remove it in a safe and inexpensive way. Here’s how.

How to detect a wasp nest?

How to detect a wasp nest

The first problem you may encounter is wasp nest identification and more precisely, is it wasps you’re dealing with or are those bees. It’s important to distinguish between the species because the latter are protected by government law and their nests shouldn’t be destroyed.

Look for an over-abundance of the pesky insects. If you have a vegetable garden, you can be sure that’s the thing that drew them in. If you have lots of still water, you’ve just scored another point. It should be pretty simple to find the location of the nest if you stand still for a few minutes and study their flight path. Observe them long enough and you’ll be able to spot where they’re coming from.

Look around the roof. Maybe even around your neighbour’s roof. Look closely at the fascias and soffits to determine if they have started to deteriorate and rot. If damaged, they could open up gaps that the wasps can take advantage of and get into the loft.

Another favourite place for wasps is the area where cables enter the house, garden sheds, or garages. But be aware that a wasp nest can also appear in the ground. In this case, they would make a hole, which will be most likely covered by leaves and other debris they’ve found on the ground.

Read more about wasps >

What to do if you have a wasp nest

When it comes to dealing with a wasp’s nest, you have two options:

There are many DIY methods to remove nests, however, you should avoid dealing with wasps on your own if you are allergic to them (or if you don’t know your allergy status). These insects are awfully aggressive and will not wait for you to provoke them in order to attack you.

The best way to get rid of a wasp’s nest is to get a professional to do it. Not only is it the fastest way of doing things but also the surest, safest and most cost-efficient. It may look easy but the fact is, exterminators are trained and equipped to deal with nests quickly while ensuring the safety of everyone around. They remove wasp nests on a daily basis as part of their job and they do it with the help of professional-grade products not available to the wide public. These products are more powerful than the ones you can buy from your local store and they ensure a quick death of the nest.

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How to get rid of a wasp’s nest

If you feel brave and educated enough, you can try to get rid of the wasp nest yourself, even though this course of action is not recommended. Here we will explore the ways that work and some methods that shouldn’t be used to remove a wasp nest.

When is the best time to remove a wasp’s nest?

Early in the year

Queen wasps exit their hibernation state in early spring and start to form new colonies. This means that in late spring and early summer the nest is still small and focused on growth. If you want to remove the nest without harming the wasps, this is the best time to do so. If you postpone its removal, it will only get harder and more dangerous for you to do so.

Do it at night

Wasp nests are best removed at night time because wasps are less active, react slowly and are far less aggressive. Use a red coloured light to view the nest or wait until early morning to take advantage of the morning light.


*Do not remove nests if they are located on a difficult-to-reach spot.
*Do not remove nests if you are allergic to wasp’s venom.
*If you’re not allergic and it’s the end of summer, consider leaving the nest to perish naturally.

How to prepare to remove a wasp’s nest


  • Wear protective clothing – make sure you have protective wear on if attempting to get rid of a wasp’s nest on your own and take extra measures when covering sensitive areas such as your face and neck – wasp stings are most painful on those areas.
  • Have a backout plan – plan and prepare an escape route in case things don’t go as planned and the wasps attack you. Try to get inside your house, for example.
  • Prepare a first aid kit for wasps stings – if a wasp still manages to sting you even after all your careful preparations, you’ll need to take care of the wound. For that purpose, you can use the contents of your first aid kit. However, make sure to observe the sting for at least 24 hours to ensure that you won’t suffer from an allergic reaction.


  • Do not stand on a ladder – It’s not smart to attempt to remove wasp nests that are located out of your reach, especially using a ladder. If these ferocious insects attack you, you not only risk becoming a more vulnerable target but also getting injured pretty badly. It’s best if you leave nests that you can’t reach to professional exterminators.
  • Keep pets and children away – When removing a wasp’s nest, make sure that children and pets are absent from the area. You need to protect them not only from the aggravated wasps but also from the poisonous products if you’re using any. Once the wasps are exterminated, dispose of the nest to prevent pets and other animals from ingesting the dead but toxic wasps.
  • Avoid lighting the area – Do not use a regular flashlight when removing a wasp’s nest at night, it will only attract the aggravated wasps towards you. Instead, opt for a red coloured light or target the nest early in the morning, just before sunrise.

How to deter wasps

As we’ve been discussing, wasps are valuable pollinators and a natural enemy of many pest insects in the garden. It’s not fair to give them a hard time just because of their violent nature.

Destroying a wasp nest is one way of dealing with them but another, far better option, is to deter them from building a nest on or near your property. An additional upside of deterring wasps is that you can do it completely naturally, without the use of toxic chemicals. For this purpose…

Want to get rid of a wasp nest?


Consider that we give an information on possible ways to get rid of wasp’s nest. However, we cannot affirm that all of the above approaches will work for you.

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